Safeguarding Policy Statement
Cadenza Tuition, Eastbourne aims to provide high quality music instruction so that children can reach their full potential. All of this is done in a positive and supportive environment that is designed to put children at ease.
Cadenza Tuition regards safeguarding and good working practice as a priority. In the interests of the safety and well being of all children and young people we operate a formal Safeguarding policy. This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of Cadenza Tuition including senior managers, trustees, paid staff, volunteers, cover staff, and students.
The studio is committed to ensuring that everyone working with children and young people:
Has undergone a Disclosure and Barring Service check
Has a reference obtained by the Safeguarding Lead
Is adequately qualified, trained and supervised
Is a member of a union and holds public liability insurance
Understands and follows the Cadenza Tuition Safeguarding Policy
As part of this studio’s commitment to children and young people, it has appointed Rebecca Phillips as Safeguarding Lead. All staff who work with children and young people in the studio know who this is and how they can be contacted.
Should the studio have any safeguarding concerns it will seek the advice of NSPCC and if appropriate, contact the statutory authorities.
Cadenza Tuition:
recognises that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
is committed to supporting parents and families
recognises the unique and individual worth of each child
is committed to nurturing, protecting and safeguarding children and young people
exercises care in the appointment of all those working with children and young people in the studio, working to government guidance and principles
is committed to following statutory and specialist guidelines in working with children and young people
seeks to support all those affected by abuse
is committed to supporting, training and resourcing those who work with children and young people and to providing regular supervision
will review its Safeguarding policy biennially
The Safeguarding policy may be viewed and/or a copy obtained from Cadenza Tuition at 44 Hunloke Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8UL. If you have any questions about our Safeguarding policy please contact Becca Phillips at becca@cadenzatuition.co.uk or 07727120396.
Reviewed: September 2022